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Rejlers, your strategic partner for reporting grid development plans


Ensuring a reliable and efficient electricity supply is crucial for both communities and businesses. With the new legal requirements mandating the development of network development plans, it is more important than ever for grid owners to have a clear strategy for future investments and development. Rejlers offers effective support to electricity network owners in the preparation of network development plans.

According to an EU directive, electricity network owners need to prepare and report their demand forecasts and investment plans, so-called network development plans. In Sweden, this is regulated by the Energy Markets Inspectorate, which requires system operators for the distribution system to do this at least every two years. This means that information about network conditions, needs and necessary investments to ensure grid capacity over the next 10 years is compiled. It also includes considering alternative resources, such as the use of demand response instead of expanding the grid. It is also important to have a dialogue with other system operators, societal actors and the business community in order to be able to estimate loads and production capacity. This compilation is a central part of ensuring sufficient grid capacity to meet the needs of society and industry in the long term.

Rejlers offers a comprehensive and flexible support process that can be adapted to each grid owner’s unique needs and conditions. We help our customers interpret the new framework, we conduct workshops for information gathering and decision-making. The material is compiled and the report becomes the basis for a network development plan and a preliminary plan for consultation. Our goal is to create structure and decision-making methodology to prioritize investments and ensure that the network development plan is both effective and sustainable in the long term. We are also implementing a new way of working for recurring reporting.

We are adaptable and flexible in our approach, taking into account the specific needs of each grid owner. We offer technical expertise for network investigation as well as advice on strategic issues related to network development plans. This creates value for the electricity network operations through more efficient working methods that also strengthen the function and development of the electricity network.