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Rejlers’ shareholders

Explore key shareholder information on this page, including contact details for Rejlers’ CEO and CFO, as well as a list of the company’s ten largest shareholders.

Shareholder contact details

Rejlers actively provides information on the company in order to facilitate the valuation of the company’s share. Apart from the CEO, the contacts for this are the Group’s CFO (see below).

10 biggest shareholders

The table below shows the situation as of December 30th 2024.*

NameNo. of shares (Class A)No. of shares (Class B)Share of capital %Share of votes %
Peter Rejler1 159 75005,2%30,6%
Jangunnar AB (Rejler Family)485 250163 6382,9%13,3%
Nordea Fonder3 962 83917,9%10,5%
Lannebo Fonder1 929 0638,7%5,1%
Handelsbankens fonder1 713 9077,8%4,5%
Carnegie Fonder1 258 9965,7%3,3%
Lauri Valkonen70 000389 0002,1%2,9%
Lisa Rejler13 125871 2264,0%2,6%
Martina Rejler13 125800 4583,7%2,5%
Northern Trust Company, London767 7583,5%2,0%
Total, 10 biggest shareholders1 741 25011 856 88561,5%77,3%
Total, other shareholders8 0008 500 71438,5%22,7%
Total1 749 25020 357 599100,0%100,0%

* Source: Euroclear

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