Rejlers' shareholders

Shareholder contact details

Rejlers actively provides information on the company in order to facilitate the valuation of the company's share. Apart from the CEO, the contacts for this are the Group's CFO and the Head of IR.

10 biggest shareholders

The table below shows the situation as at March 28th 2024.*

Owner No. of shares (Class A) No. of shares (Class B) Share of capital % Share of votes %
Peter Rejler 1,159,750 0 5.2 30.6
Jangunnar AB (Rejler family) 485,250 163,638 2.9 13.3
Nordea Småbolagsfond, Norden - 3,027,708 13.7 8.0
Lannebo Fonder - 1,929,311 8.7 5.1
Didner & Gerge Fonder Aktiebolag - 1,358,996 6.1 3.6
Lauri Valkonen 70,000 395,000 2.1 2.9
Lisa Rejler 13,125 871,226 4.0 2.6
Martina Rejler 13,125 800,458 3.7 2.5
Handelsbanken Microcap Sverige - 860,924 3.9 2.3
Northen Trust Company, London - 651,077 2.9 1.7
Total, 10 biggest shareholders 1,741,250 10,058,338 53.4 72.6
Total, other shareholders 8,000 10,299,261 46.6 27.4
Total 1,749,250 20,357,599 100.00 100.00

* Source: Euroclear